Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mark your Calendars: Plein Aire Dates are Set!

Dates for plein aire sessions are:

June 10th
June 24th
July 15th
July 29th
August 5th
August 19th
Sept. 2nd
Sept. 16th
Sept. 30th

Location details to come.


  1. What exactly happens in a plein aire session? Thanks--this looks really interesting. Good support for artists in our area! --Kathy

  2. Plein aire is simply art created in the open air/environment. Artists would either set up an easel to paint a composition on the spot, or hike/walk around the location doing sketches, taking photos, even writing, if moved to. How many pieces you do/ photos you take/ media you use is entirely up to you. Rule of thumb is you try to create/ finish the work on location and whatever you bring in you bring out. It's a good excuse for artists to get outside and create outside and visit places not always available to them (i.e. a couple of Private Lake Superior home). I'll be posting specific locations and dates with sample images soon, to get people thinking.
